Welcome to Tuesday Night Tidbits.. Is it regular? Who knows! All I do know is that I have some pointless yet interesting-to-talk-about game news for you all!
First is the (not so new) news that MGS-4 will feature multiple 90-minute cutscenes [TVG]! MGS Snake Eater was known to feature 45-minute plus cut scenes.. but 90 minutes is the length of your average feature film...
Thankfully they'll be pausable, rewindable, and fast forwardable, and you can save mid way.. But it's still a hell of a long ride! Personally.. I look forward to every minute.
In other news, the game we recently looked at in our vlog, Age of Conan, has become one of the fastest selling games of all time on the PC [CVG], selling 400,000 copies so far since release. The game had over a million beta applications. Apparently, it still pales in comparion to the charge WoW had in opening sales.
Next, there's a first look at the new Prince of Persia over at IGN, which may interest you. Semi-open world, non linear, decision based plot that's beautiful and stays true to PoP:SoT? Unexpected, to say the least, but at least reassures me that we won't get another Prince of Persia: Warrior Within. (Eddy had tears over that game, I swear)
More controversy over the ESA (dudes who ran the once-awesome E3...), as iD has pulled out of the lineup [Kotaku], joining a host of other developers, such as Activision, Viviendi and Lucas Arts. What will this years E3 be like? Dissapointing? Probably... But with the Game Developers Conference becoming larger each year it looks like we may have to rely on that amongst other things (such as the recent Playstation Day) for all our big announcements.
And, lastly, and most importantly... THERE ARE NEW SCREENS FOR HELLO KITTY ONLINE. Find all the Hello Kitty Online graphical pleasures here [IGN].
Omg I got into the Hello Kitty online Beta. COINSIDENCE?
More like a series of random events that have very little to do with eachother. =P
I had to sign up for a blog in order to use this comments area properly so hopefully I will get heaps of stuff to comment on.
I have a big opinionated mouth so not really a issue usually.
Omfg i totally want in on that beta that game will blow AoC out of the water.REAL combat? pfft how about REAL furballs. Send link plx :)
also get better :)
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