Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Greetings earthlings!

Or something to that effect.

Either way, hello great wide internet world, this is Edrissa speaking! Mainly out of boredom, but speaking nonetheless. I'd like to welcome you to our humble blog, which as yet has very little to do with anything. Hopefully, this'll change.
Aeon and myself will be supplying you with information regarding games, more games, gaming culture, news etc. We hope that you'll enjoy our little presentations over time!

First off a little briefing about my current status. I'm a games student working with NwN2 at the moment to create a mod. The toolset is horrific; it's unstable, glitches and creates bugs that make no sense. The only good thing is the conversation editor, which still gives me a slight headache. Nevertheless I'll persevere; I don't really feel like failing.

What else, what else... Oh yes! I've been playing MMORPG's for some time now, and have settled into Lord of the Rings: Online quite happily. I'm also playing a bit of Age of Conan, as is Aeon, and we'll be giving you guys a run down of how it rates soon. Apart from that, not very much is news worthy at the moment.

There should be a review up sometime next week at the latest, so till then, play safe. =P

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yey! Conversation editor... (Goes and hides) I will come back out when I break 11 thousand words...
