Brothers and Sisters of Steel (in Australia!) rejoice, for the wondrous Fallout 3 has been classified by the OFLC for Australian shores. We can now expect the game to land about a week after the US release (here on the 15th of October, US on the 7th) as it has passed classification!
No word on what was modified or cut from the game, after it was recently refused classification due to drug references (and the in-game direct use of morphine), and if it was a simple re-name of the drugs or if large chunks of the system have been removed (although I have enough faith in Bethesda's game ethics not to deprive us of such). The game is classified MA15+, based on "Strong Violence, Drug References and Coarse Language", which seems fine by me.
So prepare your hand-held atomic bomb launchers, your trekking boots for making your way through post-apocalypse downtown DC, and POSSIBLY your veins for some drug references. Oh god I hope this isn't misinterpreted horribly.
Fallout! We lust for you!
Source: IGN
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