Ahoy! AFK-Games is.. struggling to be alive! But we are, we are, don't worry! You won't see a video from us for a little while as Edrissa is wondering around Europe at the moment and hence we are unable to film.. together.. unless one of us puts some points into the "Teleport" skill...
Anyway, whilst Eddy is away, I'll post some text news and some bits and pieces... For this post, lately it has been reported that Fallout 3 could be possibly banned for classification in Australia due to the fact that the OFLC (our ratings advisors) do not currently have an R(18+) rating for games (unlike films etc). (Continue reading after the tears and anger have abaited...)
On the flipside, it looks like Dark Sector, a game previously banned here due to "excessive" violence (at least, it allowed the player to cut off limbs using the glaive weapon, bit by bit with extra precision.. to my awareness) is now looking at grading a toned down version, possibly a custom one, or the version that was released for Japan, and authorizing that for release...
Obviously, this raises a few points... in a very public attempt, recently, IGN AU attempted an endeavour to get the OFLC to introduce an R rating. Apparently, the OFLC are "open" to introducing a rating, and are looking for public opinion. Personally, I think the largest issue the game industry has here in terms of getting an R rating, is the simple fact that the board appear relatively uniformed about the games medium today.
A simple example was the massive (haha) Mass Effect blowout over the steamy hot alien sex. Although mostly an american issue, the game was suddenly on just about everything, even The View, and was reported as a "online sex simulator" that "enabled online rape" with hyper-realistic humans that allowed you to do whatever you wanted. Suddenly, the public (who are the ones who vote and are requierd to put forward their opinion) thought there was this game that existed that basically allowed players to live out sick sexual fetishes in all manners of realistic environments and that this was being marketed to children.
What they failed to note is that the sex in the game, was a short cutscene, where the player had no control, it showed either a butt or side-boob, and that it took about 15 hours of game time and an invested effort in talking too, and interacting with the NPC you are to be with, in an entertaining relationship side-plot (which was far deeper then the relationships we often see fleshed-out on screen in your average action flic), in an outcome that was far less graphic or gratuitous then previously described films.
Here, the public (well, those who often air their opinions, which I'll unfarely place with those who would watch A Current Affair or Today Tonight with a serious demeanour - i.e. boorish fools with IQ's less then their shoe sizes) seem to have a false understanding of any sort of mature game that falls outside of their experience (eg, Wii Sports). Instead of asking what do you think about the OFLC... What do you think about the public perception of video games? And how do you think that affects the OFLC's decisions about implementing an R rating? Do you think that the mass-public have a skewed image? Do you think that's changing?
Anyhow, more news to follow over the weeks, and a video review (possibly... of Phoenix Wright.. and again.. a follow up of the.. well, dissapointing, Age of Conan). See you all round!
Sources: IGN, Kotaku, GamePolitics
Nice to know you haven't abandoned AFK. I'll be happy to see a AoC update once Eddy's back sadly I think its very much needed.
It might be interesting to note that it is only possible to add an official rating for the OFLC if it unanimously approved by each state's Attorney-General. And thus, there is only one person in Australia standing in the way of our much coveted "R 18+" Rating and that is SA Attorney-General Michael Atkinson, who has repeatedly vetoed the "R 18+" rating each time it has been tabled.
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